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 Welcome to WARDEN ANDROID TRICKS TECHNOLOGY  let us know what services we can provide for you today👇


Our Digital Services:

🤳 Website Design 

🤳 Social Media Marketing/Management

🤳 Sponsored Ads (on all platforms)

🤳 Digital Branding/Marketing.

We look forward to working with you/your brand.

Visit our websites to learn more about our services.👇



Best Place To Acquire Digital Skills

We Use Digital solutions

to boost your online presence

We’re a team of experts, Our team is led by game-changing web developers, graphic artists, creative writers, Videographers and digital advertising professionals with years of experience.

Meta Ads Manager Account — Reach likely customers with your products, features, and services in the best ad formats. Ads Manager is a unique tool that lets you build and run ads while managing your account. Easily Build Engaging Ads.

Ads Manager is your starting point for running ads on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger or Audience Network. It's an all-in-one tool for creating ads, managing when and where they'll run, and tracking how well your campaigns are performing towards your marketing goals.

With the Ads Manager app for iOS and Android, you can keep an eye on your campaign while you're on the go. Wherever you are, you'll have the power to create and edit ads, track their performance and manage ad budgets and schedules.

How can we help you?

A simple idea, creativity together with professionalism can get your business to its best.
We have more than 5 years of experience helping companies like yours…
Our ratings and reviews are second to none…
Our team is built on creativity and diversity

Our Services

Create professional and beautiful business website with elegant look, handcrafted texts and detailed information. Develop it in WordPress and manage your website yourself without any pro knowledge. Gorgeous look, fast loading, support of wide range of media file format and secure download option – that’s what makes a media website successful.

Your complete website design solution

Turn your ideas into a remarkable website experience with thousands of built-in design features that are just a click away.

Ignite your design with optimized templates

Explore our industry-leading collection of website templates and customize them to reflect your brand's unique identity


Crowd follows the spotlight. If you aren’t under the spotlight, you’ll definitely miss the cherry on the cake. Your website supposed to be easily reachable to your target audience when they are looking for the products and services that you sell or offer. Digital marketing is the key tool that can best help you increase visibility of your website/local business location and make you easily accessible to your potential customers.

Digital marketing is the tool to get endless customers whenever you need it. If this is your dream, then we have the best team to help you achieve it.

Targeted SEO

While every website owner blames the look and feel of their website for poor RIO and argues with their vendor, the bottom line is that most of your targeted visitors can’t reach you. People in general use search engine to find out your website and that’s the prime reason to hire professional SEO service provider. At Twifemmy Media we provide strategy driven professional SEO service that includes both On-Page and Off-Page optimization.

Best Place To Acquire Digital Skills

We Use Digital solutions

to boost your online presence

We’re a team of experts, Our team is led by game-changing web developers, graphic artists, creative writers, Videographers and digital advertising professionals with years of experience.



22, Warden android tricks technology streat,


Kishili; 100213


Opening Hours

Monday – Friday

8:00 am – 6:00 pm




10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Get In Touch

Phone: +255714181313


If you have any questions, feel free to call/mail us

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